20 April 2012

The Indian IT giants threatened by the "made in America"

IT professionals of Bangalore may have the desire to do. Not only because of the economic crisis in one way or another the majority of countries in the world, but also because of the campaign themes brandished by the contenders for the White House. Main center clients outsourcing (subcontracting) Indian IT, the companies are American indeed increasingly encouraged to keep their activities to the fold to satisfy the patriotic voters, who see in frustration, from their jobs at abroad.

According to figures released by Reuters, the field of Indian outsourcing generates three quarters of its turnover thanks to the orders of the United States and of Europe .

Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, Wipro and several jewels of the industry of software India show signs of weakness since the beginning of the year, with results falling for the first quarter (Infosys expects to grow its earnings 10% lower than in 2012), giving ground stock exchange (- 15% for as Infosys in a week - 26% for Reliance since the beginning of the year).

Visa Fraud

Delhi fears both the introduction of protectionist measures to promote the "Made in America" after Barack Obama criticized companies so virulent that "export" of jobs, and threatened to impose a punitive tax. The India also fears a tightening of immigration to the United States that could hinder the development of its subcontractors on U.S. soil.

Infosys is also the subject of investigations into possible fraud in obtaining visas for professional employees starting work in the United States. The group employees no less than 15,000 people, 10% of its employees.


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