25 June 2012

Smarthphone of the Future

The following post is about the perfect Smartphone of the Future.

The wake-up call

Time to get up. Your phone wakes you gently with a dawn chorus and light of increasing intensity. cast on to the wall by a built-in pico projector. You grab it from its wireless charging dock, present it to your yawning mug, and its facial recognition software activates the snooze function. Just 5 more minutes.

The future, today! LG WCD-800 charger, Samsung Galaxy Beam

Health check

Check out your sleep stats (how much proper REM sleep you got how much was lost to your 2am coffee habit) and your calorie-burning target for the day, which is measured by the bracelet on your wrist That tub of goose fat you ate yesterday will take some burning off, but you're going to a festival; it might just be possible.

The future, today! Zeo Sleep Manager. Jawbone UP

Morning applutions

As you wander down the hallway, you set the shower running at the perfect temperature with a tap of the screen, then stream your morning playlist from your double-based music library, A quick NFC-powered lap of the phone on to the stereo fills the bathroom with Waking on Sunshine. Also steam.

The future, today! Google Music, Android@Home

Finding the way

You hop in the car. Now where's that darn train station? Dock your phone and its projector turns part of the windscreen into a head-up display. A few spoken instructions tell it where you want to go, and it traces out a line on the road ahead. Your tunes are now streaming to the car's speakers for a mosh-tastic ride.

The future, today! Route 66 sat-nav, MVS Virtual Cable, Ford Sync

Console yourself

Uncharted: Drake's Colostomy Bag is calling following your PS4 session last night, so on the train you resume your save game in undiluted quality, powered by your mobile's octo-core Nvidia Tegra processor Touch controls still ain't much cop. so you tap it against your analogue- sticked Bluetooth pad to sync via NFC.

The future, today! Nvidia's Tegra roadmap. PS Vita, Android Beam

Expensive gestures

You've finally made it to the festival, and the burly security guard taps your phone to detect your NFC ticket before fondling your pockets You're through and at the bar purchasing a round for your males who've just tweeted you to say they're almost in All it takes is a wave at the card machine - dangerously easy.

The future, today! Google Wallet. Visa Pay Wave

Pinned down

You've found some friends, but there are still stragglers to locate. You fire up your social AR app and survey the heaving throng in front of the main stage on your screen. There's Tony near the front, marked with a pin-drop-he's just tweeted "Dubstep? So 2012. Wish they were playing something bleepier."

The future, today! Wikitude and Highlight apps, Facbook places

Zoom and share

You can't get any further forward but that wont stop you from capturing every bead of sweat the singer's brow: thanks to yo phone's 60MP image sensor you can be way back from the action and still zoom in to take a crisp snap- Your photo syncs to the cloud and posts to Facebook and the envious comments roll in.

The future, today! Nokia PureView 808

Moshly unharmed

Finally in the thick of it, you get little carried away in the mosh pit. Your phone's gone, stamped into the mud by energetic punks. After some frantic scrabbling you miraculously locate it and wipe it down - not a scratch, and the filth's done no damage either. Thanks liquid-repellent nano-coating technology!

The future, today! P2i Aridion, Gorila Glass 2

Shine a light

As the last of the daylight fades and the headliners hit the stage it's time to capture the moment. Your phones high-power 40W LED flash illuminates the situation (and helps you find the keys Tony dropped), while face recognition tech auto-tags each fizzog as it's uploaded to Facebook and add to the festivals event page.

The future, today! STCF04 LED flash from STMicroelectronics

Steam dreams

Time to leave - camping's not your bag. On the train home you catch up with Harry Potter and the Endless Dole Queue, streamed in unfettered 1080p on your phone's 5in screen, with 7.1 Dolby Digital Plus sound through your headphones. Your zippy 4G connection ensures it won't drop a frame of the middle-aged magic.

The future, today! Everything Everywhere 4G. Voddler video

Early warming

There's an unseasonal frost forming on the windows of the train, so you fire up the app that controls your home's thermostat and whack it all the way up ready for your return. You can even set different temperatures for each room. Now when you walk through the front door the it'll be toasty and warm. Lovely.

The future, today! Nest Learning Thermostat

RAID your freezer

You're almost home exhausted but having moshed through your caloric target for the day. A quick remote browse of your freezer shows a spare bag of chips, so before you tap your phone to your front door and enter your PIN code, you stick the oven on to preheat. Mmm. McCain Home Fries. The true food of the future.

The future, today! AT&T Digital Life, LG Smart Appliances

Show them everything

Before turning in, chip-stuffed you decide to show absent mates what they missed out on. You initiate a 3D video call using the pair of 12MP cameras on the front of your phone and live-share some of the 4K footage you've shot today. Now if that sleep management app would just stop telling you to go to bed...

The future, today! Yahoo! Messenger. LG Optimus 3D

Please share with us, what you expect from the future smartphones in the comment box below.


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