21 June 2012

Running Diaspora on Your Server

A key part of Diaspora's design is the fact that anyone can run their own server. At present, though, installing the software is - in the developers' own words - "a bit complex".

This is because Diaspora isn't distributed in binary format: it comes as source code, which must be compiled for whatever system you're using. This means you'll need to install a number of development tools and libraries to get it working, including Ruby, MySQL, the OpenSSL encryption library and the ImageMagick image-processing library - plus a web server such as Apache if you plan to host a publicly accessible pod.

At the Diaspora website, you'll find a guide to installing and configuring these components under Windows. OS X and various distros of Linux, You'll also find instructions for downloading and compiling the Diaspora source and configuring your web server, SSL, the database and other services, such as the components that connect Diaspora to Twitter and Facebook.

If this sounds like a fun project, head over to https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/wiki/Notes-on-Installing-and-Running-Diaspora and start compiling; the Diaspora team will doubtless be delighted to see a new pod open. But we suspect the majority of Diaspora users will prefer to use established servers, rather than administering a complex back-end system.


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