These days its a very common thing for all to play videos from YouTube. But when it comes to movies, we find them in multiple parts of videos due to YouTube upload restrictions which is hell irritating to play the movie from those parts one by one. Also, Wasting time on finding the next part of a video can very much ruin the fun of watching TV series, movies, documentaries, etc.. MultiPart Tube is a Google Chrome Extension that resolves this problem, as it itself plays the next part of the video after it ends.
After installation, this extension shows an option at the bottom of the current video, displaying other parts that can be played after the current video ends.
Clicking on the Play All Videos option redirects the user to a third party website where all parts of video are added to the playlist and played in correct sequence.
Although we experienced no problems during testing, however, we want to mention that this extension is still undergoing an Beta phase and users may encounter some technical issues. Currently this extension is only available for Google Chrome users and requires Flash Player 8+ to work.
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