15 March 2012

My Experience with Windows 8

Holy mother Windows 8 is a disaster, by far the worst OS I have used till date (list includes ME, NT and VISTA and GNU Hurd and about 20 other decent and good ones) utter trash.

Am i the only one who thinks this? Later, I found my friend Dhananjay Sathe also having the same opinion.

1. Horrible UI : both design, flow and polish. The metro UI sucks on anything bigger than 10 inches. On a device with no touch its a nightmare. Your hot corners are not highlighted and extremely buggy, most windows users will not even figure them. Notification system is cheap, clunky and obtrusive. looks like. a child's toy, your corporate consumers will hate it.

2. Stop shoving windows live in our faces. Chat and social integration for just those accounts is pointless.

3. To restrictive, no unsigned drivers is a pain.

4. Windows market sucks. All bundled live apps (maps, weather and other "live" services that no one uses on the web) in your face are a cheap ploy to shove them in the users face. Not just that they are in a disjointed metro style that gives the feeling of patch work. The whole OS lacks any continuity and flow.

5. Complete incoherent experience in apps.

6. It's easier to format then use it's recovery. WTH!

I am not the biggest fan of Microsoft but here is something serious. PLEASE do not blow this up for the sake of the tablet space, you really cannot compete win the iPad at this point in time. What you should realize is that you get this wrong and OSX and others will eat up your bread and butter desktop market. You can already see this in the US market even with one of your best OS's ever out there.


If past is prologue, shipping the new operating system on time will be a herculean challenge.


I am not the biggest fan of Windows either(GNU/Linux FTW!) but just wanted to point out that it is in Beta so those bugs you talk about probably won't be there in the Release Candidate.

They are also probably trying to create a uniform UI across devices (think Windows Phone). And they're probably thinking of starting with Tablets and then adapting the UI to desktops by the next release. Apple right now is doing the same. After all Lion basically tried to give us the UI and touch interface of IOS.

You need to give them some time. I think this is the first time ever that they are having a overhaul of their UI at this magnitude. They probably wont get it right the first time. But you can safely bet your money on them getting it right the second time and bulldozing OSX. And when I say getting it right I mean they'll get it right for the masses. They can never get it right for me with all those viruses and bloatware.

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