You Probably heard about “Burstable bandwidth” or “Network Burst” if not then Let me tell you about it.This feature mostly isn’t available for Normal Home Users but plans like Leased Line. This feature ensures that you can get a Burst in the Network when the Traffic or the Load over the network is too much. That means that the current bandwidth can be so called “OverClocked” or “SuperCharged” with more 2way Bandwidth (Incoming as well as Gigged up Outgoing Bandwidth).
So why is this trick not so famous one around you may ask me.Here is the reason. First of all you need to comply to a few conditions as given below.
* You have to be a Broadband User Using xDSL (ADSL etc) / Cable / NOP (Net On Cable) .
* Your ISP should be using Network Equipements of “Cyberoam INC” (excludes Datacard , BSNL , WLL users ).
* You should be Using “Cybroam Client” as your Network Manager (This should be provided by your ISP).
Screenshot of “Cyberoam Client”
Now if you fullfill all of the above mentioned Points then this Trick will work for you.
Now in the Older Versions of Cyberoam Client there was a Security loophole (Ver , this loophole let us do the Bandwidth Boosting.
But how can we do this ?
Here is the Logic - Inside the Network we are Connected to the Gateway , But the Thing is that In the older version Gateway’s Network managing softwares aren’t so good at monitoring and hogging bandwidth so the management part’s job is left on the Cyberoam Client.And this is how it works
1 > The PC Starts the Cyberoam Client.
2 > Cyberoam Client Tried to Fetch the Data Regarding the Bandwidth the User Should get from the Server.
3 > The Server returns the Bandwidth Information after a Successfull validation of User’s Login Info.
4 > The Cyberoam Client Starts an Internet Connection and manages the Bandwidth (Both Incoming and Outgoing) so that we can’t exceed the Bandwidth limit we are allocated with.
So how are we gonna do network burst ?
A very simple answer , We need a trick that will let the net connection be consistenly live and the Management of Bandwidth shouldn’t be there.To do this we simply have to make the Client crash and have to keep the connection alive and really busy so that the “Logout” command doesn’t reach the Server and so we will be able to do this in a Simpler way.
Overall explanation of the Trick , Start a connection , Start a file download to fill up the Multiple Connection Bandwidth at highest then crash the Bandwidth Manager and the Download Speed should be reaching at its highest levels now.
This happens because as soon as we crash the Client the Client tries to Send a “Logout” command over the network , but due to heavy traffic (Full usage and consistency of Bandwidth) the Response is Slow so eventually the Client Crashes due to a Hung Up condition and losses control over the Bandwidth and we can now use the Bandwidth to the Full extent as we can. Here is a Pictorial Tutorial for that.
First off all i want to clarify that the Time i Compiled this Article i had a 128Kbps Connection .
Screenshot As given Below is of www.speedtest.netYou should Note that i posses a 128 KBPS Plan in which the maximum reachable limit is 16 Kilobytes per seconds so technically i can’t exceed this limit of 16 kilobytes per seconds
To do this trick after you start your PC , Login to Cyberoam Network Manager ,
Start uTorrent and download a torrent file from the net and allocate the space for that torrent file and start downloading , now as i already did that i am gonna skip a few steps.Now i am gonna show you the uTorrent window , in which i am currently downloading a file which is more than 900 MB , now look at that horrible speed here , its around 10 kbps , So how about a gigged up speeds here , ok.
Now there are two ways to Crash the client.1 > End / Kill the Task From “TaskManager”
2 > Exit the Client When Highly Packed Bandwidth downloades are going on/
We are gonna perform a Simple “Exit” here and that should be enough if Heavy Downloads are going on.
So after you are Started with the uTorrent Job. Just Right Click on the “CyberoamClient” icon and Select “Exit” as shown above.
Now carefully look at the Download speed of the Torrents , They would have increased.
Mine Increased like this sequence.After that got changes and increase in Speeds like these given Below
And even after applying the Same trick as above i was able to download Open Solaris November 2008 Edition of 687MB under 20 Mins with avaerage speeds like “487 kbps”.
I use this trick to download much bigger files (Mostly Torrents which are heavily seeded).
Note : This trick will work on Connections which are active now.Due Net disconnection no new connection request can reach the servers however Older and Consistent connections will persists.Works with Bit-Torrent Clients , IMs , Download Managers like IDM , FlashGot , FDM etc.
If you still got any questions regarding this Trick the do feel to Post Below. Thanx
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